Posts tagged #Markets

Monsters Take Over Seattle!

OK, Well maybe not a complete take over, but Monsters will be visiting Seattle!​

We are really excited to announce that we have been included in the Plush You show that is held each year at Schmancy Toys in Seattle. 1932 2nd Ave, Seattle to be exact. The show opens in October 11th and the opening runs from 5-9:00pm. ​Yep you read that right OCTOBER, so that gives you plenty of time to plan your trip! 

​Schmancy Toys 1932 2nd Ave., Seattle WA 98101 - 206.925.3986 Store Hours Tues - Sat. 11-6

​Schmancy Toys 1932 2nd Ave., Seattle WA 98101 - 206.925.3986 Store Hours Tues - Sat. 11-6


​Until October and for more information make sure to visit the Schmancy Toys website!

Posted on April 10, 2013 and filed under HQ News, markets.

Mark Your Calendar!

If you could see us here at Monster HQ, you would see us doing the Monster Crazy Awesome Happy dance! We are happy to announce we have been included in the Firefly Gypsy Farm Market on September 8th and 9th. 

Benjamin is already hard at work on some new monsters for the Market so make sure to mark your calendars and come on out and visit us and all the other GREAT vendors that will be there.

For all the details visit the Firefly Gypsy Farm Market page.

We will be posting more details and photos and drawings of new monsters as the weekend gets closer. Stay tuned!

THANKS FIREFLIES, Y'all are the best!
Ben, Sam and Ray 

Posted on July 29, 2012 and filed under HQ News, Monsters, markets.

New Market Dates

We are excited to be included in the French Nest Market this year. Right here in our own back yard...Fort Collins.

Get More info on their website at:

We will be there for 3 of their 6 dates. May 19th, July 21st and August 18th

So come by say hi and buy a monster or six.

ALSO all the twins and friends to the monsters bought at any of the French Nest Markets will stay locally and be delivered to our favorite local folks at Realities for Children