It has been awhile since we added a paper monster to our collection and we apologize for that. So for all you paper monster makers we give you Cy the cyclops! Click here to download the PDF file, print it out and get to workin'!
New Monsters!
We have some new SWEET monsters over in the etsy shop! Some small monsters, big monsters, one eye, two eyes, you name it we got it...well maybe not everything you can name, but they are awesome so get your monster lovin' self over there before they are all gone!
Ben, Sam and Ray
What A Smile!
The monsters from our Monster sew are out joining some new families and having a great time, just ask Paige! Paige's monster was sewn by our monster friend Jenifer and her family during our monster sew to benefit the Red Cross and those children affected by the fires in Colorado. THANKS JENIFER!
Paige and her new monster friend
One Eye
Well if you follow us on Facebook you know we were rained out today at the French Nest Market in Fort Collins. We were excited about this market for a couple reasons...1) It was right here in Fort Collins and 2) we were going to debut our brand new crazy one eye'd cyclop monsters. These guys and gals are sooper dooper awesome monsters so we decided to go ahead and post for you here on the ole blog.
We will be listing Goldie and Miss Bugsy in the shop soon so watch for them! If you can't wait shoot us an email and maybe we can work something out.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Ben, Sam and Ray
Miss Bugsy and Goldie
New Market Dates
We are excited to be included in the French Nest Market this year. Right here in our own back yard...Fort Collins.
Get More info on their website at:
We will be there for 3 of their 6 dates. May 19th, July 21st and August 18th
So come by say hi and buy a monster or six.
ALSO all the twins and friends to the monsters bought at any of the French Nest Markets will stay locally and be delivered to our favorite local folks at Realities for Children